Friday, 28 March 2008

Enjoying the digs and in need of some motivation...

I can't believe it's already a week into Easter Break and I feel like I've accomplished nothing but procrastination. I actually have started three books. One for my dissertation -thanks Jen- and two for my next book review in Ministry to the Marginalized. I have been staying at my Aberdeen family's house, the Reslers, for the week while they've been in Cypress. It's been great to get out of the cubby hole that is my room on campus and to have multiple rooms to walk in and out of. One funny thing is that I have fallen back into cleaning excessively like I used to in my old apartment. I'm sure Jon and Meagan would tell you that I was always cleaning the kitchen. Some habits never change! I just wonder who I got that trait from. Mom? Dad? Doubtful. 

It snowed here on Easter day and for the next few days following. It made it really difficult to go anywhere for fear that I'd end up driving into something. It's an adventure enough to have a manual car and drive on the other side of the road. I did, however, go over to a classmate's flat for dinner one night because his parents were in town. His mom cooked so much! She is an amazing cook. Johnny's mom and dad were the cutest Latin couple. They made me feel like I was back in Florida or in LA again. Their traveling and adventures made me want to visit South America like I used to when I was at Eckerd. 

For now I guess I ought to travel around the UK. I've seen a lot thanks to volleyball, but I may be headed down to Edinburgh next week to visit an old roommate from Eckerd in my Nu 3 days. Abby "Abs" Roche is visiting the UK. I better have some interesting stories following her visit! We haven't seen each other since Fall 2006.

1 comment:

j said...

Yeah, this is a working vacation huh... Good on you for getting so much done!

Dinner was really great- I'm enjoying my parents :)