Wednesday, 16 April 2008

It's crunch time!

With recent realization that I feel God calling me back to West Virginia, I have begun to accept the responsibilities that come along with that. I will have to leave Aberdeen early, which means I will have to turn in most of my dissertation by the end of July. Now, that is completely possible, except for the fact that I am coming back to the states for June. I know! Craziness! 

I do, however, have a bit of a game plan. Andy, the head pastor of the Aberdeen Congregationalist Churches has really convinced me that I can do a church plant in WV. I would love to put together a coffee shop ministry. Of course, I don't have much experience in the field, but God will show me the way. It has also been nice to get some straight forward advice from a friend of mine. He really has helped me think things through.

I don't really want to leave Aberdeen, but feel as if I'm supposed to. God has a funny way of tugging on your heart-strings until you finally move! I love the people here and I have a newly established life here that is still exciting and I am still learning. Yet, part of me knows that I need to be with my family.

God really is working in my life! I am so blessed, but yet sometimes it's the blessings that really send you for a loop. 

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Seriously Aberdeen make up your mind!

The weather went from miserably snowy to beautifully sunny in just one week. It's unfortunate that most of that week I was reading for class and putting together information for my dissertation. However, I do want to thank everyone who has done my dissertation survey. It's really helping! And for those of you who haven't yet... please help! The web addresses are listed below:

Questions on the site include:
1. Are you a Christian? 
2. Do you believe that homosexuals should be allowed to worship in church?
3. ...should be allowed to become official members?
4. ...should be able to work in the church?
5. ...should be a part of the ministry team?
6. ...may head pastor a church?
7. If you have any other input you wish to add please do so now.
8. Would any of your answers change if the person was openly gay (people know they are homosexual) or if they were practicing a homosexual lifestyle (in a relationship with someone of the same sex)?

I have had many varied responses and all input is necessary to make my dissertation clearly show both a right wing view and a left wing view of the issue (and the in between). I am looking forward to beginning to write, but for now I am stuck focussing on this term's coursework and...

THE TORTURE THAT IS MY M-O-T! My car apparently shouldn't even be driven on the road. Good to know?!? Not really! Well... looks like I may be walking the 10mile round trip to Cove every other day. At least I'll be in shape. ;)

PS. Didn't get to go to Edinburgh to see Abs.