I do, however, have a bit of a game plan. Andy, the head pastor of the Aberdeen Congregationalist Churches has really convinced me that I can do a church plant in WV. I would love to put together a coffee shop ministry. Of course, I don't have much experience in the field, but God will show me the way. It has also been nice to get some straight forward advice from a friend of mine. He really has helped me think things through.
I don't really want to leave Aberdeen, but feel as if I'm supposed to. God has a funny way of tugging on your heart-strings until you finally move! I love the people here and I have a newly established life here that is still exciting and I am still learning. Yet, part of me knows that I need to be with my family.
God really is working in my life! I am so blessed, but yet sometimes it's the blessings that really send you for a loop.